Wednesday, February 16, 2011


My name is Parrish Chance Servance residing in Houston,Texas,son of the late Billy Servance , son of Prestell Servance, son of Chance Servance. I am 47 years old , single without children. I work as a paralegal, a substitute teacher for Galena Park ISD which allows me to work on my ministry, The Word Is Your Guide Ministries, and my current mission program in Brazil.Altough my dad went to be with the Lord July 5, 2002 we are still blessed to have our mom Shirley Servance with us.I have 5 siblings; Shawn Servance (the oldest) Eric Servance, Pierre Servance, Devonae Servance Booth ( many of you know already as one of the administrators for the Servance Family Tree via Facebook) Modero Servance.

Facebook, got us here to this level, with this technology, God has blessed us with, where we can communicate with, family and friends practically free! Now it it is time to take it to another level. Thanks, to my sister Devonae for encouraging me to come aboard on this project! I consider myself a multimedia guru so i want to use my talents in this endeavor. I believe this blog will get us to the next level in our research before starting an official website.

I read through most of your posts and found it all interesting, after all we are Servance's why wouldn't it be! Hopefully we can have an administrator(s) from each state to oversee this project since the family is so big. I will be one of the administrators from Texas.I will be looking forward to working with Abram Tony Servance of Florida, Yushica Niblett Servance of Odessa ,Texas and everyone else that will be participating.Please feel free to share your stories, pictures , video clips
whatever the Lord put on on heart!

God Bless ,

Parrish Servance